土と手根部 Dirt and the Heel of a Hand

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Dirt and the Heel of a Hand

On a weekday evening in early June, I stepped down into the pottery experience workshop at Takumi-no-mura. We could see the sunset over nearby mountains through the large windows. Lined up along those windows were numerous electric pottery wheels and wooden stools. On the other side of the room was a large table prepared with a number of manual pottery wheels. As the result of a lottery, I began my work with a manual wheel at that table.

Tonight was the first night of the “Summer Pottery” classes at Takumi-no-mura. The other thirteen members and I participated in a total of four pottery classes. We each chose a plaster mold made by Satoko Suzuki-sensei, and set it onto our manual wheels. I wanted to make a dish for curry, and chose one that was long with depth. I placed a board-shaped piece of clay over the plaster mold and pressed it with the heel of my hand, shaping it to the mold. While continuing this quiet work, participants around the table naturally began a conversation that just flowed along. Everyone gave shape to what they wanted to make at their own pace. Finally, we finished off any scratches or points of concern with a wet leather nameshigawa. At the second lesson, we painted color onto these dishes.

For the third Summer Pottery class, we moved from the manual to the electric pottery wheel. First, we heaved a big lump of clay onto the center of the wheel. I wet both hands, and using the L-shape between the heel of my hand and my pinky, I brought the spinning dirt up little by little. Then, covering the top of the mound with my right thumb, I pushed the dirt away from me as if knocking it down. “Practice that over and over again!” Kiichi Yamamoto-sensei said in support. Aiming to make a ramen bowl, I plunged both of my thumbs into the center of the clay. My thumbs created a hollow, and turned the dirt into the shape of a dish.

Eventually, when I was finishing it during the fourth lesson, the ramen bowl fell from the electric wheel and suffered a large tear. Yuichiro Suzuki-sensei grabbed a brush and skillfully applied wet dobe dirt to the torn part of the bowl. “The dirt’s hardness will be different, so it might crack when we bake it,” he explained. I figured that couldn’t be helped, and all I could do is leave the ramen bowl’s fate to the oven.

I was able to reconnect with dirt through the Summer Pottery classes. The dirt stuck still on the plaster mold, the seemingly infinitely spinning dirt on the electric wheel. Touching dirt seems like it is connected with a deep part of being human. At the very least, this work that has continued for tens of thousands of years always allowed me to forget about my smart phone for a few hours. The results of that time are the dishes, which I will use in my day-to-day life while I happily recall the feeling of dirt.

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