草餅の朝 A Morning of Kusamochi


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A Morning of Kusamochi

The kakinohazushi lesson finished without delay. “It’ll be early in the morning, but next time, I’ll have you make kusamochi,” said a smiling Mr. Tokuoka. Mugwort mochi wrapped around red bean paste is called “kusamochi”. Just like kakinohazushi, Mr. Tokuoka makes this almost every day.

After meeting up with Mr. Tokuoka around 7 a.m. at his shop in Nishigawa, we climbed the steep hills to the top of Otaki. I entered the workshop and greeted his mother, who was next to the heater balling up mochi. Steam flew out from baskets steaming mochi rice and mugwort. Mr. Tokuoka moved the mochi rice to the mochi pounding machine, and mixed the mugwort into it. The mochi rice gradually turned green, and then into a large clump. Mr. Tokuoka took the clump out and covered it in flour. Mrs. Tokuoka grabbed a piece off and flattened it over the palm of her hand. “We place the red bean paste on top and wrap it like this,” she explained. While moving multiple fingers, she pushed the mochi up and around the red paste, then rounded it off. The surface of the mochi became a smooth, disc-like shape.

I sat with Mrs. Tokuoka and tried making kusamochi with my own hands. Even if I tried to imitate her, my the mochi would not move as I hoped. “It’s important how you use your left hand, so go like this, and like this,” Mr. Tokuoka showed me. The efficiency of my hands gradually improved. When mochi stuck to the palm of my hand, the only thing to do is give up and go wash my hands. I also had to be sure to apply enough flour. We lined the kusamochi one by one in the wooden box. The second large lump of mochi was ready, and we repeated our work of loading the red bean paste and rounding out the mochi. Mr. Tokuoka quickly packed the kusamochi into plastic containers for selling and added the sticker label.

Mr. Tokuoka grabbed a leftover kusamochi and handed it to me. The green mochi was soft, and the red bean paste inside was sweet and delicious. I have tried using mugwort when cooking at home, but it did not go very well. As I expected, kusamochi is the right choice. “Finally, we need to was the mochi rice for tomorrow,” Mr. Tokuoka said, and led me over to the sink.
